Paardensport Vlaanderen

20230913 Stal Greet Minne 994
Paardensport Vlaanderen Paardensport Vlaanderen, as a sports federation, wants to give direction to the equestrian landscape by working together with its clubs to offer equestrian sport for young and old, from bottom to top. The federation does so with passion and pleasure. A mission we visualise through a deepening and updating of the branding, an extensive image bank, new textbooks and licences, and ready-to-use templates for on- and offline communication.
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Paardensport Vlaanderen Logo RGB

Updating and deepening the logo and branding

The logo of Paardensport Vlaanderen was already designed by De Barbaren in 2019. After years of intensive use, Paardensport Vlaanderen lost touch with it. But changing track completely, after the extensive research process beforehand, did not appear to be needed.

Extended colour palette, new photography

Instead, we opted to deepen and update the existing branding, with an extended colour palette, new photography and user-friendly social media templates and visuals.

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Paardensport Poster Mockup

Photo shoots during competitions, training and grooming of the horse

In the images, we emphasise the love between the equestrian and his animal. Not only at the stables during training and grooming moments, but also during and after competitions. Ten photoshoot days and hours of post-processing result in a comprehensive bank of images that capture all facets of horse riding. The detail shots, portraits, action shots and reportage images are then implemented in the various communication carriers, both online and offline.

Photo filters for efficient and consistent post-processing

Consistency is indispensable in images to maintain the organisation's recognisability. We develop a set of different photo filters that make post-processing efficient and uniform.

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Templates for different communication product: customised and user-friendly

In the future, the team of Paardensport Vlaanderen must be able to work by themselves to create communication products in accordance with the brand identity.

Flyers, brochures, posters, advertisements ... But social media and online communication such as newsletters and banners. In short: a user-friendly, on-brand template with the right structure will be developed for every possible communication expression.

Paardensport Social Media

Optimised web design and UX friendly structure

The deepened style is given prominence on the website. We also take a critical look at the structure of the wireframes, with a user experience & interface friendly update as a nice result.

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Paardensport Ruiterbrevetten Levels

Rider licences and licence books as new communication items

New in the range of house style derivatives: the equestrian brevets and brevets booklets. The booklets target children. They are thus taught the tricks of horsemanship in a playful but instructive way.

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Also in need of a complete rebranding? We are happy to work with you!

Let's talk!